Enigma Read online

Page 25

  A surge of pain shot through my back and intensified around my ears. My chest rose and fell and I heard everyone yelling around me. Marcus and Ethan restrained Jack, and Seb stood over me, begging for me to be okay.

  Jack’s heart began breaking and he yelled out in pain and clutched his chest. Seb ran over and held his brother as he collapsed into a heap on the floor. In that moment, I knew that Seb still had great love for his brother and that he was devastated to see him dying. Unable to move or speak, I felt completely helpless.

  “Jack, hold on! She’s still breathing! Hold on! She’ll be okay! Remember how Dad described what would happen,” Seb said.

  He was desperate and I prayed that Jack would listen to him. Through his tears, Seb shook his brother as Jack’s body wilted. He yelled for him to stay awake, but it was too late. My body was physically frozen, but I was completely aware of myself and of everything that was going on around me. I could hear every word and prayed that we would all survive.

  “No, Jack! Hold on! Hold on, Jack!” Seb dragged his brother over to me and placed his hand on the palm of mine. “Jack, feel her! She’s alive!” But as he spoke, Jack’s lifeless body fell to the floor, his quivering lips drifting apart as he took one last breath.

  Suddenly, Seb yelled out. He looked at me and the fear in his eyes made my body tense up even more. He grabbed his chest and fell, landing next to Jack.

  Ethan stood against the wall in shock while Marcus ran over and held his sons, cursing himself and begging them to open their eyes. He’d only just been reunited with Jack and Seb, and now they were being taken away from him.

  I desperately wanted to scream out that I was alive; if they knew that I was okay, it might have made a difference. In the reflection of the mirror, I saw Jack and Seb lying on the floor. When someone dies, he or she looks serene, but neither Jack nor Seb looked peaceful. They weren’t ready to give up on life; they had too much to live for and I hoped that they were just frozen, like I was. If they were both dead, my life wouldn’t be worth living, and this would all end in tragedy.

  An entire day passed and I remained motionless. The pain was minimal, but I was incredibly weak. Being frozen and unable to communicate was frustrating. All I could think about was Seb and Jack who were still lying on the floor, their heads resting on pillows.

  From the chair next to my bed, Marcus watched all of us, waiting for one of us to wake up and say something. He sat with his head in his hands most of the time, only glancing over at us every now and again. Wherever Ethan was, I wished that he would come back soon to comfort his father.

  Another two days passed and Marcus remained with us. Sometimes he would pace around the room and other times, he would sit by each of us with tears in his eyes. He’d feel for our pulses, and despite all that had happened, he hadn’t given up hope and neither had I.

  I looked in the mirror and saw that the purple in my eyes had faded, but I was still unable to move. Now, I was beyond frustrated, especially since I hadn’t needed or wanted to go to sleep. The pain was gone, and I hoped that this was a sign that the worst was over. I knew that I was going to be okay, but I could only pray that that meant the same for Seb and Jack.

  The next day, my body felt different: kind of rigid, but strong. I challenged the straps and when I pushed out my arms and legs, they broke off with ease.

  I was free.

  Marcus rushed over to me with a huge smile on his face. “Kate, sit up slowly. You probably feel as stiff as a board, but that’ll pass.”

  Sitting up, I felt stiff but there wasn’t a single crack of a bone or ache of a muscle. Even though I wanted to rush over and tell Seb and Jack that I was alive, I sat on the edge of the bed and let Marcus examine me. Marcus looked into my eyes and his face confirmed that the adrenalization had worked: I was now an Enigma. Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth to speak for the first time in days, and my jaw felt looser than before.

  “Marcus, please tell me they’re both alive,” I said, and he took my hand.

  “I don’t know. I was hoping when you woke up, they would too. The next few hours will be critical.” He squeezed my hand, but I felt no assurance.

  “They can’t die. I can’t live without him.”

  I began to cry at the thought of never hearing Seb’s voice or looking into his eyes again.

  “You have to remain calm. Remember, you’ll be able to do things you weren’t able to do before. You need to adjust, take things slowly and be aware of your new and stronger body.”

  Marcus was right. I hadn’t yet considered how my body would have changed, but the difference was obvious when I walked over to Jack and Seb. I felt incredibly light. I bent down awkwardly, leaning in to kiss Jack’s lips, hoping that my touch would somehow help, and as my lips touched his, he opened his eyes. Moments later, Seb opened his eyes too. Jack grabbed me and I fell onto his lap. He kissed me repeatedly and I felt obligated to reciprocate. Marcus hugged Seb and looked at me, horrified to see Jack kissing me so passionately.

  Once out of Jack’s clutches, I glanced at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look any different than I did before I was adrenalized, and I didn’t feel any pain. A new life was ahead of me, and I was excited to develop all of my new supernatural skills.

  My relief about the successful adrenalization was indescribable. Jack and Sebastian were no longer in danger of dying and I no longer carried the burden of causing their deaths.

  The curse was broken.

  Jack was as happy as I was, but our happiness was for different reasons. I thought the adrenalization was going to be the hardest part, but breaking Jack’s heart would be harder, especially when he found out that I was in love with Seb. My troubles were far from over.

  The days following the adrenalization had been a challenge. Jack always wanted to be around me. When he kissed me, it didn’t feel right because he wasn’t the one I should’ve been locking lips with. I put Jack off as much as possible, but he was persistent in wanting to take our relationship to the next level. I could get past kissing him, but I couldn’t allow him to make love to me. But, that was all part of the plan that Seb and I had come up with.

  When I had a few moments to myself, I sat alone on the secluded beach and stared at my hands. My fingers and the rest of my body felt light, like I imagined clouds to feel. It was a strange sensation that I was slowly getting used to. I was adapting well, considering that I was only in my second week of my new life, but I was sure that there was a lot more to learn.

  I heard footsteps, but there was no one in sight. As I scanned the beach, I knew I’d be able to see whoever was heading my way even though they were well out of range. Being able to see so far away and hear what no human could ever dream of hearing was amazing, but it felt strange knowing that I was no longer human. I had opted for a superhuman life and hadn’t even had a chance to try out all of my new capabilities yet, but I was a newbie to this life and certainly had a lot to learn, but I had my new family to help me through this overwhelming transition.

  Seb walked toward me, his dark hair blowing gently in the breeze, and in that moment, he was enough to take my breath away.

  “Kate! Kate!” I gazed at him like a lovesick teenager. “Kate, talk to me! Are you okay? You’ve been gone for ages.”

  “Run with me,” I yelled and set off at a remarkable speed.

  Seb joined me but since I was still getting used to my faster feet, Seb had a slight edge over me. I couldn’t believe that I could run so fast and so far and not be out of breath; I felt like I could run forever.

  “Kate, come on. We have to get you home. It’s getting late. Your parents will be wondering where you are.”

  I stopped. Two weeks had passed by quickly and I didn’t want to go home. “Okay, but let’s go over the plan one last time.”

  “You’ve done well so far. I don’t think it’ll be long.” Seb smiled and ran his finger along the side of my face, sending chills through my entire body.

  “So, our next move?”
I asked, finding the strength to keep from kissing him.

  “The old Jack has resurfaced. Continue refusing him; he hates to be rejected. At the party tomorrow, temptation will take hold of him.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked, feeling guilty and doubtful.

  “I’m positive.”

  I didn’t want Jack to look like the bad guy, but I couldn’t break up with him and start dating his brother. He had to break up with me. Every other day, Jack asked me when I’d be ready to take our relationship to the next level, and when I said I wasn’t, he became frustrated. I hoped that his sexual frustration would turn into desperation.

  Seb ran ahead of me, and when I got back to the house, everyone except Jack was gone.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked.

  “Marcus and Ethan went back to my house. Seb is packing his things; he’ll be leaving shortly. I thought it would be nice for us to have the beach house to ourselves on our last night. I called your brother and told him that our plane was delayed until tomorrow morning.”

  Jack wore a pair of swim trunks. His well-defined body was every girl’s dream, except mine. There was no denying that he was an attractive guy—he could probably have any girl he wanted—but he would never have me. He took my hand and led me to his bedroom. I knew exactly what he wanted and it was getting difficult to deny him since I’d used just about every excuse to avoid being intimate with him. He closed the door behind us and led me over to the bed. As I struggled to think of a way to escape, Jack ran his hands over my body.

  “I’ve waited for you for so long,” he said, kissing my neck. My body tensed. “Relax,” he whispered.

  The door flew open and Seb rushed in.

  “Do you mind? We’re kind of busy!” Jack said.

  “Kate, you have to go home. Brett relapsed,” Seb said, and I began gathering my bags.

  “Can’t this wait until tomorrow?” Jack asked.

  “Brett is an alcoholic who just had a drink. So, no; it can’t wait!” I shouted.

  “I’ll take her on my bike. It’ll be much quicker,” Seb offered.

  “Fine! I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jack fell back onto his bed and sulked.

  With Jack showing no intention of coming with me, I fled the beach house and leapt onto Seb’s bike. The leather felt good and I grabbed Seb’s waist, holding onto him tightly. I loved the sound of the engine roaring; excitement rushed through my body.

  While riding along an isolated freeway, I wrapped my legs around Seb’s waist and leaned back on the bike. I threw my hands in the air and enjoyed the thrill of danger. Then, I came around to the front of the bike and sat on the handlebars facing him. As I took off my helmet and then Seb’s, I threw them to the side of the road as Seb tried to maintain control of the bike. I leaned in and kissed him, and the thrill was immense.

  Seb pulled over to the side of the road.

  “Kate, we said we wouldn’t kiss until you and Jack were no longer together.”

  “Sorry, but it feels so natural. Good save, by the way, telling Jack that Brett relapsed. It’s probably the most inventive one you’ve come up with so far.” I smiled; it was impossible not to be happy when I was in Seb’s company.

  “Thank you. It was excellent, if I say so myself.” Seb laughed.

  “I can’t wait for the party tomorrow; it’s the perfect setting for our plan. If I put Jack off anymore, he’ll get suspicious,” I said.

  “We’d better get you home.”

  We retrieved our helmets and got back on the bike. I held onto Seb and enjoyed how close we were.


  Back at the house, Lindsey called to say that she’d decided to stay in Italy for an extra week. We decided to tell her about Marcus and the adrenalization when she came home. I had to go home to check on Brett. After all, that was the reason for my sudden return.

  I walked through the door and Brett pounced out at me from behind the door.

  “The wanderer returns. So how was Italy? Not that you probably saw much of it from inside your bedroom.”

  “Shut up. You’re still the same old sarcastic Brett, so you must be all right.”

  “I’m fine. I’m looking forward to spending some time with you.”

  “Why don’t we go out for pizza on Sunday?” I suggested.

  “What about tomorrow?”

  “I’m going to a party tomorrow night.”

  “Then I’ll come with you.”

  “I’m not sure that is such a good idea.”

  “Please? I could really get out of the house. I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  “I’m not sure,” I said.

  “Come on, I’m begging you.”

  “All right, but if you step out of line you’re coming back home.”

  Saturday night arrived and it was time to execute our plan at the party. My engagement party was set for the following weekend, so tonight had to be a success. Since I’d allowed Brett to tag along, Seb invited Ethan, too. Marcus told us that he’d be gone for the weekend and gave us all a parental talk before we left. We all promised to behave ourselves and keep low profiles.

  When we arrived at the party, people splashed in the pool and tossed around a beach ball while couples frolicked in the Jacuzzi. Guys cupped beers and watched as scantily-clad girls danced to the loud music.

  Jack and Brett jumped in the pool, and Brett pulled Ethan in after him. Brett had always been popular with girls, and I hoped he wouldn’t take too much of the attention away from Jack. But I didn’t have to worry because swarms of girls huddled around them and the flirting began. Seb and I went to get a drink and stood behind a pillar where we could still see Jack. Despite several girls throwing themselves at him, Jack behaved himself.

  I nudged Seb and pulled him behind a bush. “I don’t think our plan is working,” I said.

  “Don’t worry. He hasn’t had a drink yet. You look amazing in that dress, by the way. Pure torture.”

  I smiled and ran my hands down the sides of my red, strappy summer dress. Ethan walked up behind us.

  “I think I’m going to head home,” he said. He looked uncomfortable in his wet jeans and shirt.

  “Sorry about Brett; he’s kind of excited to be out.”

  “See you tomorrow.”

  Ethan sulked off and even though I felt sorry for him, I had to hide my laughter. He wasn’t a very sociable person and he hadn’t taken a liking to Brett.

  Jack and Brett were now standing by the pool and Jack had a beer in his hand. Brett didn’t have a drink, but he had his arms wrapped around a girl and was kissing her like the world was going to end.

  “He’s popular with girls; they’re flocking around him like birds to a carcass,” Seb remarked, looking at Brett.

  “He always was,” I replied. “I have to go to the bathroom. Keep an eye on Brett for me.” Seb nodded and I headed upstairs.

  When I returned, Seb was gone. I scanned the pool area and found him dancing with Jack, Brett, and several girls. A girl brushed up against him, and my entire body trembled. I looked away, catching my reflection in one of the mirror balls hanging from a tree. To my horror, my eyes were a light shade of purple.

  “Cool contacts,” a girl commented as she walked by.

  Panicking, I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I stood with my back against the door and breathed deeply. Feeling a little calmer, I fumbled around in my clutch and pulled out my compact mirror. I opened it and held it up to my face; I was glad to see that my eyes were back to their natural color. Relieved, I knew that I’d have to learn how to control my temper.

  I could hear girls talking about their dates, what they were wearing, and what they planned to do before the party ended. They were all spending the evening having fun and planning who they were going to nail. I was spending the evening trying to sabotage my relationship so I could finally be with Seb. I knew that I couldn’t go on with this farce much longer. The lies were getting out of control and the urge to be with Sebastian was
getting stronger. I unlocked and opened the door and found Seb waiting for me.

  “Seb, I have to go. My eyes changed colors.”

  “What?” He pulled me behind the pillar.

  “I saw a girl grinding up against you and I was so angry that my eyes changed colors. I was completely freaked out.”

  “Don’t worry; your eyes are fine now. It’ll take you a while to control yourself. Every emotion you remember as a human has been heightened; give yourself time to get used to it. I’ll help you.”

  “What were you doing dancing with that girl anyway?”

  “I’m supposed to be single Kate; I could hardly brush her off. I was only dancing.”

  “Hey, guys!” Brett interrupted us. “I’m going to go home and get some pizza.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  “Does she like pineapple on her pizza?” Seb asked.

  “I’m not sure.” Brett was busted.

  It was good to see him happy and sober. I had a feeling that this time he was changed for good.

  Jack hadn’t spent any time with me at the party. He was obviously still annoyed that I’d blown him off at the beach house. He was dancing with Ashley, and her hands were all over his deprived body. This was it. I had to cause a scene and have Seb take me home.

  I nudged Seb and he smiled when he saw what I was looking at. Ashley leaned in for the kill. Would he kiss her? He moved closer to her, temptation was directly in front of him. Just before their lips connected, Jack caught my eye. I threw my hands up and ran off in a flurry of tears. Seb shook his head at his brother and chased me out.


  We waited outside and I hoped that Jack would follow us out so I could officially call off our relationship.

  “Kate, I’m so sorry! Nothing happened!” Jack held my hand, but I snatched it away.

  “Get off me! We’re over! You’re not the guy I thought you were, Jack.”